Monday, December 3, 2012

His word

The moment you take that step of making the decision to accept christ, that is the moment your life journey with God begins, when you have forsaken the devil, your old love, your former master. The journey with God is quite an interesting one. There is this part of the scripture that says "with God all things are possible" but this is only possible when you play your own part to make your walk with God an intereting one. In the christian journey, we need God. On our pathway in the christian journey there are lots of road side attractions that is why God has provided us with His words as a light unto our path. The word of God is there to guide us against the known and the unknown. An individual with the knowledge of the word of God and its applications is indeed a great individual. The word of God is a handbook or manual that corrects, motivate, elevate and inspires us as individuals. It sheds light on our path so that we won't go the wrong way. It solves all form of problems when we are stranded and confused. The word is a King's word, it is a living word. Finally, show me a man that knows and obey the word, and i will show you a man that has a right standing with God.

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